DREAM BIG! You are never to small to do BIG things!
Callie Chapman is a young imaginative author of the Glitter the Unicorn series, Chandler the Best Unicorn Rider and other books. Callie began her journey at the age of six-years-old. Callie loves to inspire young readers to Dream Big! You are never to small to do Big things. Words Callie loves to live by and share Be Kind, Be Happy and most of all Be Yourself.
Callie donates all her proceeds to Children's Hospital for Art Supplies.
Take a look...

Glitter the Unicorn Series
Glitter the Unicorn series is a wonderful collection of adventures of Glitter...
Glitter the Unicorn goes to the Movies

Glitter the Unicorn goes to the Beach
Follow Glitter the Unicorn and Ellie on their next adventure under the...
Youtube reading of Glitter the Unicorn
Check out Ivy's Library Review...
Ivy loves the story and yells “Unicorn!” everytime I turn the page. For me the attraction is in the storytelling. You can truly see that it’s been written by a child with a fantastic imagination, and
her enthusiasm jumps off every page. It’s all tied together with beautiful illustrations – by Callie’s mum Bronwyne – which capture the spirit of Glitter and Ellie (and Callie!) perfectly.-Ivy’s Library
Callie Visits Students
Callie Visit's Elementary School - Callie speaks to K-3rd grade on how she was inspired to become an author. How she writes her stories and creates them into award winning children's books. She also shares her message to Dream Big! You are never to small to do big things. Be kind, Be happy and most of all be yourself.
Callie Donates Proceeds to Children's Hospital
Callie donates her proceeds to Children's Hospital. Take a look at Village Living Online for a great article about Callie and her books.
Daughter and Mother Duo
Callie Chapman is the creater-author of all the wonderful adventures of Glitter the Unicorn, Ellie and Chandler The Best Unicorn rider. Her mother, Bronwyne, is the illustrator. Callie and Bronwyne create the illustrations for all of Callie's books. They both have won 5 or more awards for their design work.
Young Change Makers Series
Callie has been featured in a wonderful children's book series called Young Change Makers by Stacy C. Bauer. The series is about kids from all over the world making a difference in the world. Check it out!
National Philanthropy Day Winner
Callie has won the Bill Moran Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award for outstanding youth in philantropy in the state of Alabama for the year 2021. Congrats Callie!